We all tell little white lies everyday, be it for self-protection, success or love. But what happens when a spur-of-the-moment mistruth snowballs out of hand? Will the liar get away with it, or will the lie inevitably come undone, to devastating effect? Set on the shopfloor and in the offices...
单亲妈妈安妮莱德(黛米·摩尔 饰)被选中为陪审团成员,审理一起黑手党老大的案子。于此同时,在黑手党内外号”老师”的迷人男子(亚历克·鲍德温 饰)也对她展开追求。他的真正目的是要左右她的判决,以及靠她来影响其他陪审团成员。但是当安妮试图想在审判期间维持公正的态度时,她儿子的性命也因此受到了威胁……
In the summer of 2006, Rob Reilly (Killian Scott), a smart suited homicide detective and his partner Cassie (Sarah Greene) are dispatched to investigate a child’s murder and find a community caught between old and new Ireland.On an altar lies the body of a local teenage girl, precociously tal...
Starz拉丁裔题材半小时新剧《Vida》讲述了来自洛杉矶东区两个墨西哥裔美籍姐妹Emma和Lyn,两人大不同之余还很疏离。当现实让她们必须回到小时候生活的街区后,她们在那里找到了关于她们母亲的过去和惊人的真相。Mishel Prada饰演Emma,与自己的姐妹和母亲都很疏远,非常不愿意回家参加母亲的葬礼及处理家族产业。Mel...