獨立電影製作人Doron Tsabari,,他拿過多屆以色列電影頒獎禮的大獎,但這些成就並沒有為他帶來財富,反之,他只能屈就於國家電視台第一頻道做兼職。他不單看到國家電視台的同事如何工作散漫,內部管理也一蹶不振。於是,他發起「革命」,用民眾的力量把國家電視台的行政總裁拉下馬。Doron一心以為國家電視台從此可以...
请跟随我们走进"狂野法国"这个迷人的崭新野生节目, 观测欧洲典型的生态系统。从大西洋海滨到地中海海湾,从河口狂野河流到沼泽湿地;从高山密林到篱围农田郊区农村;探索这个美丽国度的壮观大自然。
A leisurely picnic takes a tragic turn when Ramlah sees a mysterious figure abducts her son and disappears. Shortly after, she begins encountering unexplained hauntings but her husband doesn`t believe her. But time and time again, clues lead her to believe that her son is close by and still a...
A young mans family torn apart by tragedy reaches out to begin rebuilding trust and seek healing by through the only thing that speaks through pain; the healing power of music.