本片讲述Kristoffer Polaha饰演的棒球运动员因为个人问题,遗憾地结束了职业生涯。沮丧的他意外结识了在当地杂货店工作的小伙儿。慢慢的,他与这位患有唐氏综合症但乐观善良的打工仔成为朋友,并在他的帮助下,日渐走出人生低谷。
Léa, Adrien, et leur frère Théo, sourd de naissance, partent en vacances en Provence chez leur grand-père, Paul "Oliveron", quils nont jamais rencontré à cause dune brouille familiale. Ce ne sont pas les vacances dont ils rêvaient, et en moins de 24 heures, cest le clash des générations, entr...
Eva meets Tudor on the day of her 16th birthday. It is Tudor who is to make her feel whole as a woman...
A young man Kripa who is on the run from sex and violence one night when he meets a woman Sadhavi who strangely resembles his dead mother. She gives him shelter and teaches him to travel inwards through sex.
恩琪多变的生活在一个公寓已开始与三位女士:性感拥有一个公寓,她是谁更性感的女儿,和他纯真的初恋。恩琪,大一新生,在寄宿家庭由母亲和女儿时,他来到汉城学习找到了新的地方。 他唯一的乐趣是跟在无言的推或拉的母女关系。有一天,他的初恋,不久矣,谁是无辜的,温顺的,突然出现在公寓里拜访他。随着公寓的门...
一年前,几名摄影工作者深入亚马逊丛林,企图寻找消失的食人族部落,没想到几人从此却一去不回。为了查明真相,一位勇敢的教授(罗伯特•卡曼 Robert Kerman 饰)在电视台的资助下出发前往该丛林探究他们失踪的原因,最后,教授历尽千辛万苦找回了当时那些摄影工作者留下来的一批影片,上面真实纪录了这些摄影者...
Lucas Simons, an 11 year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once...