In the forested depths of eastern Congo lies Virunga National Park, one of the most bio-diverse places in the world and home to the last of the mountain gorillas. In this wild, but enchanted environment, a small and embattled team of park rangers - including an ex-child soldier turned ranger,...
Set in the Los Angeles nightlife; "Crave The Fast Life" is raw and intense faith-crossover film that follows the rise, fall, and rebirth of a young club promoter as his crave for success takes him down a dark path of greed, betrayal and self-destruction.
Based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and thinks selfishly of his own needs. Later ...
Claire is sure of herself, her work and family, until - like a bad dream - her husband disappears, leaving a trail of puzzling secrets that shatter her certainty. Three weeks after Claire’s husband has mysteriously disappeared, the police have ended their investigation and her son is beginni...
芭蕾舞剧《小美人鱼》根据安徒生童话故事《海的女儿》改编而成。该剧是约翰·诺伊梅尔应丹麦芭蕾舞团之邀为安徒生诞辰两百周年而创作的。舞剧以安徒生创作于1836年的童话代表作《海的女儿》为蓝本,完美诠释了美丽而忧伤的“小美人鱼”这个角色。舞剧着力呈现两个世界的对比,是古典与当代表达的高度融合。 本次在国家...
Alex, fils d’un ca?d pied-noir marseillais, s’est engagé dans la Légion pour échapper à un règlement de compte avec la mafia Corse… 4 ans plus tard, Alex déserte et revient sur Marseille pour retrouver Katia, son amour de jeunesse. Mais en ville les rapports de force ont changé : son père s’e...