A drunken call of nature on a generator turns just another night out for Frank into a nightmare. At hospital hes told that tests show he has a heart condition and may not make it to the weekend. With these words ringing in his ears, he sets out to drink and drug himself into a stupor, only to...
Starring Luca Argentero (Eat Pray Love), this romantic adventure is about chocolatier; and his womanising assistant who find their relationship strained when the young man falls for his boss’s lovely daughter. But is there anything that a little chocolate can’t help?
肯尼斯,他习惯性地称呼自己为凯。他最近发现自己正在成为心中预想和崇拜的那种坏蛋和恶棍,即使肯尼斯实际上是一个可怜的倒霉蛋和失败者,也不能阻止他内心的这种“坏蛋主义情节”的自我膨胀。 辞职之后,肯尼斯走上街头瞎混。他以为自己全身酷劲,人人都要惧他三分。可实际情况是,酒吧里的辣妹根本不买他的帐。给自己惹上...
Erwin Rommel war der Vorzeige-General der Nationalsozialisten - und wird von Hitler am Ende in den Selbstmord gezwungen. Er stieg auf in einem verbrecherischen System und wurde auch sp?ter in der Bundesrepublik geachtet. Wie geht das zusammen? Das Webspecial zum gro?en ARD-Film "Rommel".
Sensitive wallflower Cara exists in her humdrum life until the appearance of charismatic Jay unlocks powerful desires within her. When Jay's beautiful French lover arrives, Cara's journey to self-discovery takes a dark and unexpected turn, with tragic consequences. Written by Official
Entre la tripulación de la expedición capitaneada por Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que ya deberían haber muerto. Han podido evitar sus ejecuciones a cambio de participar en el incierto viaje. Ahora, han robado la vela de la Santa María y huyen con ella en una travesía errante junto a ...