Nick 的兄弟在他九岁那年离奇失踪,嫌疑人却被很快释放。 许多年后,Nick成为一名警探,负责调查一桩离奇案件。一个三口之家的生活突然被人打破,儿子惨遭不幸,然而受害者的父母却沉默不言,所有的矛头都指向了儿子的父亲。Nick负责调查此案,随着案件深入,出现了更多的受害 者,案件扑朔迷离,陷入僵局。与此同时...
Julien, a 30-year-old Parisian businessman, lives in the 16th arrondissement with his young boyfiend, Giacomo. The couple live in perfect harmony just until the summer evening where Julien, leaving the office, decides to take a quick detour through the Bois de Boulogne before going home where...
Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (bou-quet). Created and written by Roy Clarke, it aired on BBC1 from 1990 to 1995 — spanning five seasons and 44 episodes — four of which are Christmas specials. In 2004 t...