19世纪后半期,科技发展持续推动着工业的的进步。在伦敦,醉心发明的科学家福格(Steve Coogan 饰)经常进行疯狂的运输工具实验,尽管,他得不到皇家科学院的认可,只是一名业余爱好者,仆人也因过于危险的实验离他而去。来自中国的刘星(成龙 饰)为取回家乡的宝物“玉佛像”,打劫了英格兰银行。招来了英国警方与中...
The story of Charlie Darby, who has everything going for him: a great job, friends, family, the whole package. The one thing Charlie doesnt have is love, because every time he gets close, he goes clinically insane. When he meets the perfect girl, Charlie must overcome his psychosis to claim h...
A satire about being a black face in a very white place. DEAR WHITE PEOPLE follows the stories of four black students at an Ivy League college where a riot breaks out over a popular African American themed party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores ...
佛兰迪米尔(罗宾威廉斯)是莫斯科马戏团中的萨克斯风手,虽然与家人朋友快乐的生活在莫斯科,但是他心中仍有点抑郁难伸。 一日,他随马戏团到纽约巡回演出,很快的,便被大都会五光十色的生活所吸引,于是在随团员前往纽约最大百货公司购物时,他在百货公司里突然宣布要投诚。 好心的黑人警卫收留了佛兰迪米尔,随...