年轻有为的青年律师杰特(纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nawat Kulratanarak 饰)自幼拥有阴阳眼,他可以看到常人无法看见的众生,从小见多了报应索命的案例,因此深信宿命循环、因果不虚的真理。进入律师界,他凭借丰富的学识成为小有名气的律界精英,并和美丽的女友小琼(雅雅英 Yayaying Rhatha Phongam 饰)情意笃真。虽然相信...
As a string of brutal murders plague the city, two undercover detectives race to solve the mystery and unmask the killer. Their only clues: each victim is a former cop and each has a blood-red letter painted on their body. How many will have to die before the killer spells out their message i...
泰国当地流传着一个奇怪的风俗,生者只要在棺木里躺上一晚,就能欺骗死神,从而否极泰来,消除厄运。 在澳洲长大的泰国籍男子克里斯(阿南达·艾华灵汉 饰)的未婚妻麻梨子遭到严重车祸,昏迷不醒,危在旦夕;香港女孩阿苏(莫文蔚 饰)即将走入婚礼殿堂,却发现自己患有肺癌,去日无多。当从电视上看到棺木仪式的相 ...
对 Kim (由 Dominique Swaim 扮演)来说这一次本应该是一个完美的聚会和周末远离喧闹的放松时刻.她和她的好朋友们为了回忆他们一起的欢乐大学时光而开车来到了一个很远的湖边小屋游玩.就在他们在那里准备开始玩一个叫做"死亡马利"的残忍游戏的时候,他们意外的释放了一个恶鬼,这个恶鬼开始一个一个的支配他们...
Regina Stevens has just passed her Medical Licensing exam. Her boyfriend Ryan has just proposed. The hard work Regina has put in throughout her life seemed like it was beginning to really pay off. That was until she woke up one day with an insatiable appetite for human flesh, no pulse and an ...
A group of friends discover an ancient coffin equipped with a strange mechanism that allows them to experience the world as a ghost. While their first attempt into the spirit world is innocent, the coffin soon brings out their most dangerous impulses and desires. As they are being pulled into...