Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (bou-quet). Created and written by Roy Clarke, it aired on BBC1 from 1990 to 1995 — spanning five seasons and 44 episodes — four of which are Christmas specials. In 2004 t...
这是Bravo历史上首个有剧本节目。该剧根据同名系列畅销书改编,故事描述著名励志自助书女作家Abby Iovine(Lisa Edelstein,《豪斯医生》)总是在书中体现出自己的「生活睿智」,可事实上她早已与丈夫分居,刚刚年满四十岁的她只能独自带着孩子在洛杉矶生活。她不停向已经离婚的朋友寻求生活建议,而她的生活也因此...
On her wedding night, a young woman conceives a child during an hallucinatory encounter. Several years later, as her friends and family begin to behave strangely, she pieces together clues that lead to one conclusion...her son is the Antichrist!
匈牙利电影制片厂出品的《绿宝石护身符》,由上译译制。 影片根据菲利普·悉尼爵士生前日记中关于匈牙利人民抗击土耳其侵略军的记述改编的。事件和人物大多是真实的。影片生动地再现了匈牙利历史上著名的埃格尔要塞争夺战。 一五三○年,土耳其奥斯曼帝国侵占匈牙利大部份国土,土耳其人独眼龙尤穆加克是个凶狠的家伙...