为了找寻父亲,小象Khan Kluay瞒着妈妈周游世界。它结交朋友,品尝爱情,最终成为了一头战象,让自己的勇气成为了传奇。
努克(娜塔玻·提米露克 Nataporn Taemeeruk 饰)从小生活在父母的溺爱之中,在英国深造归来的她震惊的发现,她的父亲和母亲竟然离婚了,不仅如此,父亲还即将和他的情人结婚,就这样,努克多了一个没有血缘关系的哥哥奈(吉拉宇·唐思苏克 Jirayu Tangsrisuk 饰)。努克和继母以及奈之间的关系非常的差,在努克的眼...
Following his mother’s death, Nicolas, a young 30-year-old with autism, decides to return to his hometown. He wants to fulfil a mission, to get onto the high seas in two days. There he meets Ane, his only childhood friend, and enlists her help. But Niko’s barriers when it comes to communicati...