这是最新一部关于星际之门的科幻作品.故事起源于在南极洲发现了一种叫星际之门的东西,通过它, 可以前往位于天马座的远古人类建造的亚特兰蒂斯.一支由科学家 医生 以及军人组成的探险队就为了探索亚特兰蒂斯的奥秘勇敢的踏上了征程.他们中有颇有几分领导人特色的女队长韦尔博士, 足智多谋的军方领导人谢帕德少校, 以...
CBS早前预订《X档案 The X-Files》制片人Frank Spotnitz的剧集《赎回 Ransom》,由在《黑帆 Black Sails》饰演Woodes Rogers的Luke Roberts主演。该剧自14年开始开发,与法国﹑德国及加拿大合作拍摄。而现在有Sarah Greene﹑Brandon Jay McLaren﹑Nazneen Contractor加盟该剧 该剧是根据有丰富经验的危机谈判专家Lau...
Born To Kill is a British true crime television series, made by Twofour Productions.[1][2] Each episode is an in-depth look at the childhood, and formative years of serial killers in an attempt to find out whether the individuals were born killers, or created by the environments they found th...
故事描述一名女医生在儿童游乐场遇害,案件调查引出一个又一个神秘的真相。在虚构的英国小镇Woodmere,一群侦探必须通过琐碎的细节还原Angela Benton医生死亡的真相。 一个看似宁静的早晨,Angela Benton医生像往常一样带着三岁的儿子Luke来到儿童游乐场。当Luke和其他孩子一起玩耍时,Angela却被一个男人用匕首残忍...
After finding out he has an STI, Dylan must get back in touch with every girl he has ever had sex with to let them know the bad news.
这是一部根据美国marvel公司的着名漫画改编的电视系列剧《异种战士》。这部同样是讲述变种人的系列片,是在去年fox公司推出《x-man》之后,又一部由这个系列漫画改编的影视作品,其中许多精彩场面将再次重现…… 在一项研究遗传变异的秘密政府计划中, 研究对象被释放到普通人类当中。一位有责任感的科学家Adam发誓要...
Murray (Miller) is shocked when his wife Bex (Catz) walks out on their marriage on her 40th birthday. The series follows his attempts to find out why she has left him and how he can win her back... though its less a journey than a floundering stumble in the dark towards the prize of returning...