故事描述一名女医生在儿童游乐场遇害,案件调查引出一个又一个神秘的真相。在虚构的英国小镇Woodmere,一群侦探必须通过琐碎的细节还原Angela Benton医生死亡的真相。一个看似宁静的早晨,Angela Benton医生像往常一样带着三岁的儿子Luke来到儿童游乐场。当Luke和其他孩子一起玩耍时,Angela却被一个男人用匕首残忍...
本剧将带给您前所未有的近距离体验,把美国内战后与二十世纪初之间的四十年内,其间西部拓荒的野蛮,血腥与漫无法纪毫无保留的呈现给您。 从杰西詹姆斯和疯马,到怀耶特额普与水牛比尔,这些角色都在这段充满血腥暴力的美国历史里占着一席之地,每一集的故事都会探索这些西部最恶名昭彰的法外狂徒,且看他们是如何为...
如果说《五十度灰》是满足普通女性对于“霸道总裁”的幻想,那么Showtime出品的六集迷你剧《伏从》(Submission)则是更加针对BDSM爱好者。该剧于(美国时间)5月12日11点首播,将挖掘BDSM的世界。该剧以年轻女性Ashley 的视角,讲述她在室友推荐下,拜读了一位色情小说家Nolan Keats的小说《奴仆》(Slave)。此后就...
When a female police commissioner who has ambitions on behalf of her gender selects detective Ingrid Dahl as the new head of a Danish police travel unit, it does not come without problems for the young detective. She struggles to unite career and family, and she has to establish a cooperation...
ITV电视台将改编著名长诗《Beowulf》为电视剧,暂定13集,詹姆斯·多默执笔并监制。该剧将于明年4月开拍,演员阵容待定。 据悉,ITV的新剧将于明年四月开机,题目暂定《最后的王国》(the Last Kingdom),演员阵容待定。
Cuffs is a fresh, authentic and visceral drama that will take the audience on an exhilarating ride through the challenges of front-line policing. Adrenalized and vibrant, the show is packed full of dramatic incidents and colourful characters. From a booby trapped cannabis farm in a suburban s...
When Chicago Fire showrunner Matt Olmstead told Lauren German that hercharacter was going to be killed off the hit NBC drama, there was one silver lining. "Shes not going to miss the Chicago winters, and she even joked about that," he tells www. xiguatv8.com TVGuide.com. However, it remains t...