An outlaw with a mysterious past must race against a shady treasure hunter to unearth a long lost Spanish shipwreck rumored to have sunk in one of the idyllic bays on the southern Sardinian coastline.
Disponible depuis ce vendredi 2 septembre sur Netflix, Chef’s Table: France nous emmène dans les cuisines étoilées de quatre chefs fran?ais, à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes qui réinventent la sacro-sainte gastronomie hexagonale.L’innovation, sans renier la tradition. C’est tout le défi q...
A veteran cop is shocked when he's reassigned to the mounted division after a series of mistakes. However, his equine exploits aren't a complete mare thanks to the expertise of a former rodeo star who joins him on the beat. Crime drama, starring Dennis Franz and Spike Alexander.
2016 年,俄罗斯雇佣兵沙贝罗夫在叙利亚当排雷工兵,这本该是他职业生涯的顶峰,但他不久就爱上了一名俄叙混血女儿,并决定去沙漠古城拯救她……
1921年,一名美丽女子艾莲妮为躲避俄国红军内战,跟随一群希腊移民逃回了希腊。艾莲妮爱上一名年轻音乐家,不料这位音乐家的父亲却想将艾莲妮据为己有;这对小情人只好连夜仓皇逃到希腊的帖撒罗尼迦,却就此开始了他们30年的飘泊生涯。 艾莲妮的先生以演奏手风琴维持生活,但他对人生和音乐充满着热情, 一心希望能...
A mall security guard -- and former federal agent -- crosses paths with a drug kingpins enforcer after he saves a woman from danger.