Tae-joon (Lee Sang-hoon) and Seo-yeon (Park Min-kyeong) wrap up their city life and start over in a quiet countryside. Tae-joon is still learning how to farm and he hasn"t had a decent harvest of fruits for several years. He gets stressed and blames the soil. Seo-hyeon suggests they start a "...
Iremar works at the Vaquejadas, a rodeo in the Northeast of Brazil, where two men on horseback try bring down a bull by grabbing its tail. It’s dusty and back-breaking work, but Iremar is a natural ‘Vaqueiro’ feeding, prepping and taking care of the bulls. Home is the truck used to transport ...
YTB Sesn&Joy 主演 Sean 在本剧演一个从大都市奉命来到乡间平定纷乱的警察,叫Pichit(泰文意思:战胜) 演女主的是JoyWichai,是一个行侠仗义的女侠盗,名字叫Sabai(泰文意思:披肩) *但在警察局的数据中女主角叫Seua-Sabai(泰文意思:虎-披肩) 两个主角的名字都有各自的涵义,取的很恰当 这戏主题是正义&复仇&a...
当一个遵循所有的女孩都爱他,和他推为花花公子,真诚可爱女孩泰妍。但她不能满足由于风和最后几乎不是一种负担,和正在火热的头发和吉姆抵达......他抵达终点,失去了他们的视力 min 为事故。永敏在那之后的思考,碰到一个叫婚姻,女孩-AE,但视线并在同一时间,性欲望也是丢失为穷人 AE 是保持和睦的婚姻和。
Hyeon-joon is a man who is more interested in the nights events than his future.One day, a beautiful woman who owns a clothing store across from him appears. She is pretty, wealthy and kind. Hyeon-joon attempts to make her his own and he would do anything to do so.