High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel. The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the sch...
《图书馆员》描述一个藏身在伦敦大都会公共图书馆中的古老组织的故事,他们以解决神秘事件、抵抗超自然势力的侵袭、从全球各地寻找拥有强大魔力的古物为己任。在过去10年内,Flynn Carsen(Noah Wyle)一直担任该组织的头面人物「图书馆员」。他负责收集和保护各种古物,避免它们落入坏人之手。可是现在的情况已与以...
Part one of the Treasure Island Kids Series follows Charlie, a rebellious teenager sent to summer camp by his parents. This is not any old summer camp, this is the real Island. Meanwhile, the evil Captain Flint plots to take over the island and take all the gold hidden there for himself. Char...