A strikingly intense portrayal of a dire situation, Cries from Syria serves as a potent record of the events that have transpired there since 2011. Inspired by the Arab Spring, Syrians were hopeful they could end their country’s 40-year reign of brutal dictatorship. Instead, their efforts yie...
威廉不顾一切地要把自己的未婚妻艾米丽从恶魔爪中解救出来,于是他向祖神父求助,但是祖神父对此也束手无策,转而求助因错被革职的神父,然而, 驱魔过程并不顺利。
Set during the summer months of 1953 Churchill—now Prime Minister for the second time and in his late 70’s—suffers a life-threatening stroke, which is kept secret from the world.Told from the viewpoint of his young Nurse, Millie Appleyard, the drama follows his battle to recover as his long s...
该剧是澳大利亚plus7出品的古典剧,该剧故事背景为1953年二战刚刚结束后不久,战争的余烬依然给人们带来灼痛,优雅神秘的护士Sarah Adams在得知哥哥离世的消息后决定返回故乡照料沉浸在悲痛中的母亲。 在返乡的轮船上结识了上流社会的 Bligh家族,因其独特的魅力获得了 George Bligh(家族负责人)的倾慕并无意中阻...