电影讲述的是一个电脑游戏爱好者玩电脑游戏的故事. 在不远的将来,你已经死去,有可能是你的孩子们也死了,你的子孙们在玩电子游戏。为什么?因为那个时候职业游戏竞技是地球上最火热的一项运动。在全世界范围内,有上百万的玩家参与到格斗类游戏、RTS、FPS及更多种游戏的格斗中来。战胜的玩家有着丰厚的战利品:荣...
In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon become...
Two friends try executing their ‘get-rich-quick’ plan by kidnapping their boss’s daughter, but when the plan falls apart, they must scramble to fix the situation and repair their friendship.
Manborg大概讲了个什么故事?科学家无意中打开了时空隧道,各路地狱机甲兽开始围攻地球,主角是个废材兵哥,被地狱将军打残后再醒来,发现自己被科学家改装成了MANBORG,地狱军团也已经统治了地球。于是,MANBORG协同飞刀暴走靓妹、霹雳舞双枪文盲哥、翻译腔NO.1功夫王,开始大闹地狱纳粹城! 八十年代风特效土到掉...