Sucker-Free City, or S.F.C., revolves around the conflicts among white, black, Latino and Asian street gangs in San Francisco. 旧金山,恶棍自由之城,或者叫作S.F.C,在那里,白人,黑人,拉丁美洲人和亚洲人,由不同人组成的街头帮派所引起的冲突充满了整座城市。
本片讲述了,在30年代的美国,一个谋杀儿童的连环杀手Albert Fish的故事。 A solid thriller about Albert Fish (a very fine performance by Patrick Bauchau), the real life serial killer of children in 1930's America. Fish seemed a harmless old man, but in 1934 he was arrested as the murderer of seve...