入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元 It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the...
?Инте?рны? — российский комедийный телевизионный сериал, посвящённый работе врачей-интернов.《实习医生》—俄罗斯的电视剧,反映的是实习医生的工作。
改编自法国记者弗莱多南·塞何本杰姆(Freidoune Sahebjam)在国际上受到称赞和肯定的同名畅销小说,曾经在读者群中引起了普遍的兴趣和极大的道德愤慨,有史以来第一次将全世界的注意力都引到了真正的索拉雅身上——1986年,在家乡的广场上,她被埋到土里只剩下上半身,然后被她的村民同胞们用石头块...
剧情梗概: 影片讲述了十八世纪时,哈萨克人民团结一心、众志成城,在昂额拉海与准格尔侵略军决一死战,保卫家园的故事。 在这场决定性的战役中,由于准格尔人的侵略暴行而成为了孤儿的萨尔泰,集结了众多和他一样身世命运的孤儿们,率领他们响应祖国的号召,投入了战斗。萨尔泰率领着被他这支后人尊称为“一千勇士”...
The films plot centers on rival lion dance troupes in Singapore -- a liberal-looking faction of a traditional troupe, Tiger Crane (led by Wang Wei Liang), breaks away from it to form a new one called Storm Riders (led by Tosh Zhang), which advocates a new style of lion dance with more modern ...
Only one lusted glance brings Aliya to the events throwing her into the criminal ocean. But in the wirliging of passions and turmoil when she finds herself at the verge of fatality its only her true love that is the only rescue.Now the most important thing for Aliya is to preserve the honor a...