Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be a personal warden--companion--to troublemaker patient Daniel. Despite their initial distrust and ignorance, the two form a platonic bond that l...
这是一个发生在未来的复仇的故事。艾崔德斯公爵在敌人哈肯南男爵的袭击下,被抢夺了沙丘星球的管理所有权。 浩瀚广大的沙漠,几乎无人可生存,而水源是唯一上帝所赋予的最大财富。在广阔银河系帝国中,沙丘星球仍是一个非常富裕的地方。为了生存,为了能拥有更美好的生活,战争是他们唯一的选择。 公爵和他的妻子及...
本剧陈述的是一栋房子里发生的 4 对恋人的故事,他们拥有不同的职业及不同的家庭背景,4 对恋人中不仅有强悍的单身妈妈与嘴欠男故事;有当红女星与贵公子的故事;有室内设计师与职场丽人的故事;还有传统好男人与做作天真女的故事。他们共同经历着恋爱,婚姻。在这座房子里明白了,有你,有爱,这才是家的含义。
Yern, a bus driver, Lay, his cross-eyed best friend, and Peh, a crippled woman who sells fish at the local market are all sick of being poor. They feel the only way they will ever have a chance to be rich is to join the gang of Mafia godfather, Boss Tod. The threesome is assigned by Boss Tod ...
Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous o...