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The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor's biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up ...
在加拿大土生土長的印度移民後代 Sid 於邁入中年前,決定不再抑壓自己、不再虛有其表地以男性身份過生活。開明的父母雖對 Sid 的決定表示支持,但一直期盼Sid有天會結婚生子的母親仍難掩失望、時常在閒談間吐露渴望抱孫的心情。另一邊廂,十四歲少年 Ralph 在偷看母親的日記後,認定十多年前曾與母親約會的Sid就是他...
At a deserted cabin where no one comes around, a man carries in a young woman. He looks at the woman who is unconscious. He starts sobbing as he undresses her layer by layer. Then he has intercourse with her. What made thier relationship so tragic that he had to bring her up all they way to t...
“?? ?, ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ???…”2?? ?? ?? ??? ??(???)? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???(???). ???, ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??(???)? ?? ????? ??? ??. ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???. ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????...
On May 16, 1986, in the small, ranching community of Cokeville, Wy, David and Doris Young took an elementary school hostage for several hours before detonating a bomb inside a single classroom that held every teacher and student in the school. In the wake of the madness, Ron Hartley, whose ch...
如果说《五十度灰》是满足普通女性对于“霸道总裁”的幻想,那么Showtime出品的六集迷你剧《伏从》(Submission)则是更加针对BDSM爱好者。该剧于(美国时间)5月12日11点首播,将挖掘BDSM的世界。该剧以年轻女性Ashley 的视角,讲述她在室友推荐下,拜读了一位色情小说家Nolan Keats的小说《奴仆》(Slave)。此后就...
肯尼斯,他习惯性地称呼自己为凯。他最近发现自己正在成为心中预想和崇拜的那种坏蛋和恶棍,即使肯尼斯实际上是一个可怜的倒霉蛋和失败者,也不能阻止他内心的这种“坏蛋主义情节”的自我膨胀。 辞职之后,肯尼斯走上街头瞎混。他以为自己全身酷劲,人人都要惧他三分。可实际情况是,酒吧里的辣妹根本不买他的帐。给自己惹上...