la pluie 那场雨我爱你改编自作家Eddy @eddy_novel 同名小说,将拍摄成剧集。“Saeng Tai”从不相信命运,在他自己的生活中,只有他能定义。但每次下雨,他都不得不面对奇怪耳聋,导致除了‘命运的灵魂伴侣’的声音之外,什么声音都听不见。与一直在等待命运灵魂伴侣的声音的Phat形成鲜明对比。他等待着沉默被另一个被...
Emerson Graham's nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as they must race against the clock to defeat a fo...
在不遠的將來,每年十位世上最致命的死刑犯,將會在「侏羅 紀遊戲」競爭以獲得自由。在這場電視實境秀中,參賽者必須對抗兇猛的恐龍和毫不留情的對手,最後的倖存者將獲得前所未有的自由、名望和財富!