The BBC today announced the commission of Civilisations, a major new ten-part series telling the story of art from the dawn of human history to the present day, for the first time on a global scale.It is now nearly half a century since Kenneth Clark’s series Civilisation thrilled audiences wi...
科幻重口喜剧《紧要关头(Crunch Time)》的故事从四个研究生不小心打开一个可以导致世界末日的黑洞开始。一群废柴极客在学校的实验室里鲁莽地处理最尖端的人脑入侵科技,而不小心制造了一个有可能粉碎地球的黑洞,他们的所作所为引起了政府工作人员的注意。由于他们自己无法找出实验到底哪里出了问题,所以必须与政府...
室友Rhona(Zoe Boyle)和Leanne(Kerry Howard)目睹了一起吓人的黑帮枪击案,她们的生活从此陷入混乱……她们被迫进入证人保护程序,但以新身份生活并不是一件简单的事。Leanne决定抓住这个机会实现「放纵生活」的梦想,而Rhona则处处谨慎……她连最基本的谎话都说不出来。与此同时,黑帮组织的两名年轻成员发誓要找到...
A young widow moves into an old house on Lake Erie to recover from the sudden loss of her husband; however, she soon discovers a dark secret and that she is not alone.
When a supernatural cult threatens Earth, Alice must assemble a team of fairy tale villains to face the literal forces of Death.
Two teenage boys cycle 160km on stolen bikes pursued by police to find a missing bale of cocaine worth 7 million euro. Set around the real event of Irelands biggest cocaine seizure in 2007 of 440 million euro.
A fast-paced, dark dramedy following six lovable degenerates, their terrible choices, often hilarious and tragic consequences, and unexpectedly interwoven lives. 一个快节奏的、黑暗的dramedy以下六个可爱的堕落,可怕的选择,往往热闹和悲剧性的后果,并意外地交织在一起的生活。
When rapper Mike Massacre (Keraun Harris) is fired, his baby mama gives him an ultimatum: get signed by his 30th birthday or give up rap forever.
三姐弟在一场大火中失去了父母,继承了父母留下的一大笔遗产。因为年龄尚小,只能到了法定年龄才能动用这笔钱。于是,三姐弟被暂时带到远房亲戚奥拉夫(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey饰)家,由奥拉夫来抚养。 姐姐维奥莱特(艾米莉·布朗宁 Emily Browning饰)是个善于发明创作的小精灵,弟弟克劳斯则博闻强识,是个地道的小博...
When the world is in shambles, plagued by a zombie outbreak, only the strong will survive, but just how much determination will it take? Will Luke and his crew have enough ambition and ...@艾米电影网
粘土动画定格大作。以马克吐温与哈雷彗星的因缘为基点,讲述马克吐温与几位童鞋乘坐飞艇访问彗星的奇妙冒险。其中穿插了马克吐温若干作品的动画戏说:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Mysterious StrangerThe Damned Human RaceThe Diary of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)Captain Stormfield’s Visit to H...
Covert black ops and espionage take a back seat to zany personalities and relationships between secret agents and drones.
《野芦苇》名导 André Téchiné 口碑载道之作,柏林影展竞赛作品,打开17岁的天空。17岁,是成年前的最后一年,对于长大,很多的期盼、惶恐和不安,都只能一个人去面对和探索。Damien 的爸爸,外出参与军事行动,留下 Damien和妈妈相依为命。由于举止阴柔,Damien 在校内经常遭到其他同学欺凌。一次,他遇上了一名农...
Waqt讲的是父与子之间特殊纽带的故事。与大多数父子关系有所不同,他们俩更像是一对朋友。Ishwar 和 Sumi都特别喜欢自己的独儿 Aditya,不过方式有所不同。当Ishwar完全默视Adi的毛病和纵任他时,对心爱儿子的缺点了如指掌的Sumi总是时刻警告他的丈夫不要太溺爱Adi了。 (不要管那么多,最出彩的地方是它的舞蹈)
Tasked with hosting her 16 year old cousin Izzy, Ashly fumbles through a summer of hot neighbors, millennial nonsense, and - bird stalkers?
12年英国喜剧,该剧由多个单元小品组成,和《小不列颠》和《绅士联盟》一样,每个演员扮演多个角色,角色神经病,故事无厘头,又污又贱,各种一本正经的胡说八道。卡司有《致幻旅行》的Blake Harrison、《米兰达》Sally Phillips、Kayvan Novak、Morgana Robinson和其他众多明星。
Like most med school grads, David Tracey expected to roll straight into a residency, earn his license to practice medicine and begin paying off his massive student loans. But when his hospital position falls through, David devises a scheme to start offering free psychotherapy - out of his par...
伊斯坦布尔受到政治暴力的控制。 Hamza, 是一名高级政治官员,他从监狱里释放了 Kadir,条件是Kadir要在垃圾收集器的新情报单位工作。Kadir 答应了,开始从贫民窟收集垃圾,并检查它是否包含制造炸弹的材料。可Kadir 发现他的弟弟Ahmet身在其中,Ahm et 在市政当局工作,并负责一件清除流浪汉的行动……
As a mother and daughter struggle to cope with the terrors of the post-revolution, war torn Tehran of the 80s, a mysterious evil begins to haunt their home.80年代两伊战争期间,一对母女在革命后饱受战火摧残的德黑兰艰难求生。不知何时起,一个未知的邪恶力量似乎入侵了她们的家庭。
A recent college graduate (Brener) decides to sell marijuana on the streets of Manhattan after losing his job at a consulting firm. He soon meets the girl of his dreams (Daddario). With an unsupportive girlfriend, an increase of clienteles, and the growing threats of being caught or killed, h...
A comic tale of three would-be entrepreneurs who set out to invent a rocket belt. The clash of their mismatched personalities soon dissolves the business into a morass of recriminations and retaliations, kidnapping, and murder in this parable of American dreams and delusions.