A veteran soap opera star retires to a beach house with her publicist and partner, but her Early Onset Alzheimers will strain the couples relationship until they find the strength to redefine themselves and what they mean to one another.
A young boy thinks his new goldfish is gay, much to the horror of his conservative father.
A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; di...
Three friends, filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show, take part in shark cage diving. Which soon turns into a catastrophic turn of events, leaving them in great white infested waters, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival and death.
10岁的Gulistan 和他的弟弟亲Firat亲眼目睹了身为政治新闻记者的父母在迪亚巴克街头被国家军队枪杀。他们的姑姑也在办理到土耳其抚养他们和刚出生的妹妹手续时失踪了。很快花完父母积蓄的姐弟二人,在流浪的时候遇到了12岁的Zelal和他失明的爷爷。Zelal教给他们街头生存技巧。Gulistan也与在酒店打零工的Dilara成为...
1940年5月,德国入侵荷兰,荷兰青年奋起反抗,以皮特?哈提克为首组成了秘密的抵抗军。德军不仅压迫荷兰人民,更残忍地对犹太人实施种族灭绝政策。德军首领拉曼是个冷血的人,他酷爱收藏,这次他又有了一个大的计划, “收藏”孤儿院的犹太儿童。得知消息的抵抗军迅速行动,伪装成德军用卡车救出了这些孩子。皮特为了寻...