辛普森一家是来自美国普通的五口之家,荷马(丹•卡斯泰兰尼塔 Dan Castellaneta 配音)是春田镇核能工厂的安全检查员,母亲马芝(朱莉•卡夫娜 Julie Kavner 配音)曾经是一个很有思想的女性,自从嫁给荷马后渐渐地适应了主妇生活的定式。巴特(南茜•卡特莱特 Nancy Cartwright 配音)是家中的长子,天性顽皮的巴特经...
Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction workers and a one billion-dollar company.
He feels at home in places we would flee from and lives his life among the very things we fear. Throughout his life, HR Giger had inhabited the world of the uncanny, a dark universe on the brink of many an abyss. It was the only way this amiable, modest and humorous man was able to keep his f...
Jeremy Paxman joins dedicated art lover and author of ‘Van Gogh"s Ear: The True Story’, Bernadette Murphy at the climax of her seven-year mission to solve one of the most perplexing art mysteries of our time: did van Gogh really take a razor to his own ear, and what led him to com...
每个大学校园宿舍里都有几个奇葩: 影片女主角青砚跟很多喜爱艺术的女生一样,有着自己的追求和梦想。她最大的梦想是在校园里办一场属于自己的个人演唱会,完成为自己挡车而死的妹妹未能实现的梦想。为了实现梦想,她努力挣钱,奔波在校园喝酒吧之间...... 四姐妹之一的贝贝,是众人口中所说的富二代、万人迷女神:...
《322档案》是杜桑·哈那克执导的剧情片,Václav Lohnisky和卢茜娜·温尼斯卡出演。该片讲述了一个关于个人疾病和社会疾病的故事。曼海姆-海德堡国际电影节 年份结果奖项类别/获奖者 1969 荣获特等奖 杜桑·哈纳克 捷克斯洛伐克的一名政府官员误认为自己患有癌症。他认为,他在斯大林执政期间参与的秘密活动注定会死于...