Keeping Up Appearances is a British sitcom starring Patricia Routledge as eccentric, social-climbing snob Hyacinth Bucket (bou-quet). Created and written by Roy Clarke, it aired on BBC1 from 1990 to 1995 — spanning five seasons and 44 episodes — four of which are Christmas specials. In 2004 t...
This movie was the most illogical and stupid movie EVER made. If the FBI would have been called in once it was officially a kidnapping, the movie would have been over in 20 minutes and all of the people involved would have been in jail. Instead, the peo
Lek老師(Arun Phawilai飾)是一名泰拳敎練,一直敎導着一班小孩子泰拳以自我防衛,他們是Wuth(Nuttawuth Boonrapsap飾)、Catt(Sanisa Chindamanee飾)及Pong(Paethaiy Wongkumlao飾)。他們3個人必須照顧擁有心疾的Wun(Darun Tantivichitvej飾),Wuth的弟弟。 因為Wun突然心臟病發而必須進行緊急的心臟轉移...
《舞台丽人》是由美英德三国共同制作的,由主演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的克莱尔-丹妮丝担当女主角。 十七世纪的英国剧场,所有女角皆由男性所扮演。埃德华(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)是英国最有名的当家花旦,运用他的天生美丽及后天技巧模仿女性唯妙唯肖,得到贵族上流的欣赏。然而国王查理二世厌倦了这种一成不...