泰国制作公司 贝蒂是一名颜值与智商成反比的女孩,她在经济管理方面能力出众,但却因为丑在找工作时屡屡碰壁,在最后关头她终于应聘上了POSH进口公司。这家公司的大少达奈是一名花花公子,剧中他需要通过取得一番成就而向父亲证明自己的实力,与此同时,另一位大股东的代管理者也对公司的掌控跃跃欲试。贝蒂不知道的...
ITV六十年代之经典科幻。 sonychen 注 A high-ranking but un-named Agent in the British Government resigns from his job/post and leaves for a holiday. While packing he is gassed and is taken to a beautiful but deadly prison known only as "The Village" where people are taken, given a Number to be...
2013年新年将至,盘桓在国际大都会美国纽约的三个泰国小青年:藏着诸多秘密的小碧、超级啃老族杰克、风骚贱格追逐物欲的小潘无聊头顶,决定在租住的公寓内好好狂欢一下。杰克从隔壁的吸毒分子那里找到毒贩子残缺的电话号码,并最终联系上了癫狂多话的贩毒佬黑苏斯。夜幕降临,黑苏斯带来的毒品让三个人high翻天,他 ...
In Cecil B. DeMille’s 1920 comedy Why Change Your Wife? Gloria Swanson (DeMille’s regular leading lady of this period) as Beth, a respectable and rather prim wife who discovers that husbands don’t necessarily want their wives to be respectable and moral. It’s not that he doesn’t love her; he...
The first film to go inside the MotoGP world since television took a sport watched by a few thousand spectators at race tracks and turned it into prime-time entertainment for over 350 million people worldwide. The MotoGP world championship is the pinnacle of motorcycle sport, a series of sixt...
一个在酒吧上班的妙龄女子por,某天晚上,遭遇仇家追打跌进了河里,醒来惊觉自己躺在医院中,并得知已怀有身孕的讯息,自此之后,婴孩的啜泣声、充满怨气的女子、诡异怪邪的画面,便不断地在她似梦似真的生活中出现,恐惧与害怕的情绪让她几近崩溃…… 当她义无反顾决定面对整个事件的真相,顺着女鬼的指引,一步步 试...