记录了曾经轰动一时的好莱坞大淫媒海蒂·弗烈丝(Heidi Fleiss)的性交易事件。著名女星妮可基曼即将主演根据此事件改编的电影版本.当年这起牵涉性、金钱及明星的社会新闻彷佛电影情节,许多好莱坞大牌明星的黑暗面将通通曝光。影片着重描写关于这个三十七岁年轻女子从身为医师女儿到摇身一变成为好莱坞淫媒的“崛起与失...
A young boy thinks his new goldfish is gay, much to the horror of his conservative father.
Three friends, filming an audition tape for an extreme reality game show, take part in shark cage diving. Which soon turns into a catastrophic turn of events, leaving them in great white infested waters, turning their recording into a blood chilling diary of survival and death.
泰国制作公司 贝蒂是一名颜值与智商成反比的女孩,她在经济管理方面能力出众,但却因为丑在找工作时屡屡碰壁,在最后关头她终于应聘上了POSH进口公司。这家公司的大少达奈是一名花花公子,剧中他需要通过取得一番成就而向父亲证明自己的实力,与此同时,另一位大股东的代管理者也对公司的掌控跃跃欲试。贝蒂不知道的...
Thomas Sullivan Magnum, III grew up with a father in the Navy, who died when he was ten, and entered the Naval Academy at 18. Magnum, a third generation Naval officer, graduated the Academy, became a Navy Seal, and was sent to Vietnam. He made two life-long friends, Theodore "TC" Calvin and O...