这是最新一部关于星际之门的科幻作品.故事起源于在南极洲发现了一种叫星际之门的东西,通过它, 可以前往位于天马座的远古人类建造的亚特兰蒂斯.一支由科学家 医生 以及军人组成的探险队就为了探索亚特兰蒂斯的奥秘勇敢的踏上了征程.他们中有颇有几分领导人特色的女队长韦尔博士, 足智多谋的军方领导人谢帕德少校, 以...
A friendship no-one ever thought possible leads to an adventure no-one will ever forget. The touching, heart-warming, yet rousing story of the unlikely relationship between two diverse creatures makes sure of that. Zeus is a rather mangy mutt, a domestic pet who forms an inexplicable bond of...
A marriage without love … you’ll have to against Recipients, the macho ‘chunggi’ Recipients who were harder to dual nature of the husband as ‘official’. Recipients are increasingly immersed in the charm of chunggi begun meeting secretly and starts loving husband. For Nagi’s true colors begin ...
安娜(阿莱西亚·皮奥凡 Alessia Piovan 饰)的死让整个小镇陷入了恐慌之中,负责此案的治安官圣奇奥(托尼·瑟维洛 Toni Servillo 饰)来到了镇上,决心要靠自己的努力查明真相。随着调查的深入,案情越发的扑朔迷离起来,疯子马里奥(Franco Ravera 饰)、安娜的男友罗伯特(Denis Fasolo 饰)、邻居卡娜莉(Fabrizi...
一群学生来到森林度假,碰上了外太空杀手,以及它那致命的外星生物……(i like this movies alien~~为了这个怪物造型我找了此片n长时间- -)血腥度:3片中怪物数量:少量怪物类型:外星生物怪物特点:海里的东西会在天上飞……怪物必杀技:吸血大法怪物恶心度:4------Zombiehunter
一位面目丑陋不堪的老妇生下了一个相貌标致、拥有天使面孔的男婴。然而男婴的姐姐(朱丽娅·奥蒙德Julia Ormond饰)却声称孩子是自己的。处女生子的荒唐前提一旦成立,一连串不可思议的玄虚之事便相继发生,整个世界的秩序将不复存在。她先是宣称男婴为神之附体的圣婴,后是以圣母玛利亚自称,靠圣婴赚取钱财。当姐姐...
What Separates Us follows Danny (Bryan Ferriter) as he seems ready to commit to the austere existence provided to him after the death of his parents. He lives for his friends and the whiskey fueled rush of a midday brawl until he meets Parker (Shannon Mary Dixon), an art student at the local ...