他們奪走他美滿的家庭,現在,他要展開全面的報復行動…一個插槍走火的綁票案,導致丹尼斯身懷六甲的太太被謀殺。 丹尼斯的生命從此離開了平順的軌道,他將自己塑造成一個硬心腸的罪犯,滲透至監獄。全部的努力只為了一個目的:除掉殺害他妻子的兇手─瑞奇巴尼。要殺掉瑞奇巴尼,丹尼斯必須進入高度戒備的監獄─蘇林壕...
Marco (Flavio Parenti) is a 35 year-old ex-chef who has given up his career and any sense of hope to return to Udine in Northern Italy to nurse his ailing father. Even when offered a job at a restaurant in Melbourne, he declines using his father as the excuse. When tragedy strikes, the only g...
Inspired by the cataclysmic Nigerian events of 40 years ago, this epic political thriller portrays the point of views of a respected army captain and his expectant wife when his coerced participation in a botched coup attempt makes national headlines.