A masterful British doc, The Imposter tells the story of a Texan boy who went missing and suddenly ‘reappeared’ three-and-a-half years later in Spain.To say any more about what turns out to be a remarkable story would be to spoil the outrageous, almost unbelievable twists and turns contained ...
Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of ...
本片本讲述的是:乔治·柯汉是本世纪前期著名的百老汇表演艺人,身兼演员、作家、作曲家与舞蹈家于一身,他的生平故事可以说反映了四十年代以前美国娱乐事业的生态。 本片是导演迈克尔·柯蒂兹与编剧爱泼斯坦尼兄弟合作的另一佳片,描述柯汉从一个地位卑微的儿童演员力争上游变成百老汇巨星的一生。以...
她曾是一位超级巨星,但随着年华老去,她发现自己的吸引力正直线下降,唱片销量也越来越糟糕。她所在的唱片公司要求她与少女歌手Juliette Barnes(Hayden Panettiere)合作演出,否则将失去巡回演出、举办个人演唱会的资格,而且唱片公司也不再宣传她的唱片。迫于压力,Juliette很不情愿地答应了。Clare Bowen在剧中...