Gidseltagningen, created by Kasper Barfoed (Summer Of ’92) based on an idea by Adam Price (Borgen) and S?ren Sveistrup (The Killing), portrays the hijacking of a Copenhagen subway carriage where three armed terrorists kidnap the fifteen passengers on board. The series then follows a protracte...
室友Rhona(Zoe Boyle)和Leanne(Kerry Howard)目睹了一起吓人的黑帮枪击案,她们的生活从此陷入混乱……她们被迫进入证人保护程序,但以新身份生活并不是一件简单的事。Leanne决定抓住这个机会实现「放纵生活」的梦想,而Rhona则处处谨慎……她连最基本的谎话都说不出来。与此同时,黑帮组织的两名年轻成员发誓要找到...
When a strange virus quickly spreads through a safari park and turns all the zoo animals undead, those left in the park must stop the creatures before they escape and zombify the whole city.Edited by
When Margaret (Wainwright) and Ben (Gilford) take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie (Crew) and Thomas (Santos) and their two young children (Guiza and Mattle), Ben begins to suspect something supernatural is occurring when the kids behave strangely after disappearing into the woods ...