Knight Rider is a 2008 television film which was created to serve as a backdoor pilot for the new Knight Rider television series, a revival of the series of the same name which aired during the 1980s. This film does not refer to either the Knight Rider 2000 film or the Team Knight Rider telev...
Hallelujah the Hills d’Adolfas Mekas états-Unis / 1963 / 35mm / 82’ / nb / vostf avec Peter Beard, Marty Greenbaum, Sheila Finn, Peggy Steffans, Jerome Hill, Taylor Mead Adolfas Mekas arrive aux états-Unis avec son frère Jonas en 1949. Ils fondent Film Culture, une revue consacrée au cinéma ...
Kafka comes to post-Communist Romania in writer-director Tudor Giurgius third fiction feature. Why Me? is a thinly disguised dramatization of the life of Romanian state criminal prosecutor Cristian Panait, who died in shady circumstances in April 2002 after taking a stand against powerful ves...