Directed by: Saro Varjabedian Synopsis: Jimmy Baz, a down-and-out private-eye is reluctantly hired by the parents of a missing college aged boy to find their son. As Jimmy searches for the missing boy he stumbles upon a series of murders and now believes he is on the hunt for a serial kille...
华沙民族主义组织成员与充满激情的左翼活动者陷入禁忌之恋,引发了一系列意想不到的事件。《爱国还是爱我》(Kryptonim: Polska)是由Piotr Kumik执导,Jakub Ruzyllo和Lukasz Sychowicz共同编剧的2022年波兰剧情片。影片的主演包括波利斯·席克、马切伊·穆萨洛斯基、Magdalena Mascianica、安东尼·克里科夫斯基和采...
Uea是一个很私人的讨厌卡萨诺瓦的人,而King很聪明,是个卡萨诺瓦。King和Uea在同一个办公室工作,都是杰德最好的朋友。他们不喜欢对方,却因为某种原因开始有了特定的“关系”。~~改编自小贝拉96的小说。 Uea is a very private person who hates casanovas, while King is smart and is a casanova. King and Uea ...