戛纳当地时间5月17日,俄罗斯科幻片《莫斯科陷落》(Attraction)公布了预告片,电影将于2017年1月26日以IMAX格式在俄罗斯上映,中国引进方表示,该片有望于明年年初在中国上映。 《莫斯科陷落》讲述一个外星飞船坠落在莫斯科之后,对人们生活带来的灾难影响。电影目前还在拍摄当中,有望打造成“俄罗斯版《独立日》”...
Kou is searching for his older brother Takumi, who left home and has gone missing in the city. Worried that hes in trouble, Kou decides not to go home until hes found him, only to find him all too easily. Takumi, it turns out, has become head of the Mikuni Detective Agency, and has no intenti...