剧本由同名小说改编,男主角饰演的名字叫林兰哲, Best Chanidapa小布在该剧本扮演的角色是一位叫白灵的中国女孩.该剧将会到香港和澳门取景.
De la veille de l’arrivée de Fran?ois Mitterrand au pouvoir le 10 mai 1981 à l’adoption de la loi Taubira sur le mariage promulguée le 18 mai 2013 et votée le 23 avril, Fiertés sintéresse à une histoire d’amour, et plus largement, la vie d’une famille et des combats menés par les homosexuels ...
When registered nurse Daphne Hart is let go from the hospital where she works due to wrongfully accused negligence, she finds herself babysitting for the weekend at the suburban estate of a wealthy doctor caring for her diabetic young son. But when another babysitter in the area is murdered a...
Six people bound together by a traumatic experience decide to round off a year of group therapy in style. They join each other once more, traveling up to the Scottish Lowlands for a reunion weekend in a 1970s holiday let. Soon a number of mysterious and horrifying events start to expose the c...
“想要忘记,偏又记起” 正如耿(亚瑞克·阿莫苏帕西瑞 饰)的初恋,他从学生时代起一直暗恋着凡(雅琳达·邦恩纳克 饰),当年鼓起勇气正要表白时,却发现凡已成为自己死党的女朋友。毕业后,耿参加了他们婚礼,但是一年后的同学聚会上却得知他们离婚的消息。一只受伤的狗,让开宠物诊所的耿与爱宠如命的凡紧密联系;一...
Cant say too much without giving crucial elements away. Just saw this at a screening in Boston and thought it was one of the more clever independent films Ive seen in the past two years. Any cinema buffs, sci-fi fans, or documentary-lovers would find this a very inventive, well-executed, and ...
泰国Film Guru,CH7台等联合出品的喜剧电影《??????????? 4g/4G僧侣》即将于4月6日全泰国公映。主演包括Nickkunatip(泰国电影《这个高中没有鬼》),Yoshi rinrada(中国网友熟知的泰国最美人妖yoshi),Pat napapa(泰剧《儿媳也有尊严》),Toast等。
神秘的黄玫瑰3 神秘的黄玫瑰系列三:布加勒斯特的秘密 布加勒斯特的秘密 Misterele Bucurestilor