Laura and Ryan are perfect for each other: they both love Meryl Streep, have been totally destroyed by previous relationships, and they have no idea what they are supposed to do tonight. They also both know that they"ll have to pretend to be completely different to how they"ve ever been previ...
Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drifter who challenges his life philosophy. Nicholas chang
由Don Handfield及Richard Rayner主创的10集历史剧集《骑士陨落 Knightfall》讲述的是十字军中,圣殿骑士团的传奇故事。剧情描绘了骑士团在战场上的信念,忠诚,还有兄弟情,也会谈及为什么13号的黑色星期五会成为世界上最忌讳的日子。另外Jeremy Renner亦是该剧执行制片,曾有传他会客串演出(但未有肯定)。Tom Cu...
影片根据 Mosab Hassan Yousef 跻身《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的个人回忆录《哈马斯之子》(Son of Hamas)改编。Mosab 生长在约旦河西岸的城市拉姆安拉,他的父亲 Sheikh Hassan Yousef 是哈马斯创始人之一,约旦河西岸哈马斯的首领。 17岁时,Mosab 因走私枪支遭到逮捕,被带到以色列安全机构的 Shin Bet 面前。
影片根据 Mosab Hassan Yousef 跻身《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的个人回忆录《哈马斯之子》(Son of Hamas)改编。Mosab 生长在约旦河西岸的城市拉姆安拉,他的父亲 Sheikh Hassan Yousef 是哈马斯创始人之一,约旦河西岸哈马斯的首领。 17岁时,Mosab 因走私枪支遭到逮捕,被带到以色列安全机构的 Shin Bet 面前。