正是芬兰晴朗美好的时节,曾经从事贩毒的塞尔吉(Tero Tiittanen 饰)和一度沉缅毒品的美丽女孩佩皮(Sara Säkkinen 饰)告别不堪过去,与朋友们相约乘上豪华游轮公主玛丽号,他们二人即将在旅途中举行难忘而浪漫的婚礼。在船上佩皮邂逅曾经的朋友米罗(Patrik Borodavkin 饰),这似乎勾起了她对自己那段吸毒历史以...
In 2015, exactly 100 years after the Armenian Genocide, a theatre director (Simon) is staging a play at the Los Angeles Theatre to honor the victims of that tragedy -- a horrifying crime forgotten and denied for an entire century. But as protesters surround his theatre, and a series of myster...
Dance teacher and mother Nadja left her son Mario with her own mother when he was little. Now she has reappeared on his doorstep, seeking a closeness that knows fewer and fewer boundaries. An uncompromising film about family relationships.
曼谷,充满异域风情的城市。艾利,一位来自美国的年轻女背包客,结识了一个生活在当地,为一家名为 Cam2Cam 的网站拍摄香艳视频的女孩,却不知背后藏着恐怖的秘密。
Forbach, Eastern France. Present day. Since his wife walked out to the family, Mario has raised their two daughters of his own. Frida, 14, blames him for her mother leaving. Niki, 17, dreams of independence. Meanwhile, Mario waits for his wife to come home. Written by Vladimir