A Psychological Thriller about a state park ranger husband and his wife struggling to come to terms with their missing teenage son while dealing with a local mystery that questions their relationship and in the end, their grip on reality.
Four 18-year-old girls Jessica, Jenny, Taru and Aino are on the verge of adulthood as they lose their innocence and, at times, their faith. Based on the story of four 18-year-old girls from Helsinki who kept provocative video diaries about their lives during the course of a year, in 2011. 影...
廖祥贵(廖启智 饰)当年曾经在《上海滩》中出演一个角色,但无奈时过境迁,观众早已将他淡忘,而多年辛苦的演艺生涯,造成妻子离他而去;女儿琪琪(薛凯琪 饰)从小就没有得到他足够的关爱照顾,导致成年后与祥贵关系疏远。祥贵不能如愿得到主角位置,索性离开电影圈,在一家便利店工作,可他并没有忘记机会是给有...
影片部分根据18世纪亚美尼亚诗人Savat Nova的生平拍摄,但更多地是以诗句代替了诗人的形象。全片几乎没有对白,主要是旁白和剧中人自言自语。 无法用文字概括该片的内容,而且每个人都有权利按自己的方式诠释它。影片几乎从头到尾都是精彩瞬间,电影语言的诗化、色彩的明艳、构图的奇特均衡、内容上的仪式感、宗教感...
印度宝莱坞演员里希卡浦尔主演,为Netflix在2018年的第四部印度原创作品。故事内容描述一名父亲想要透过社群软体与渐渐疏远的儿子变得熟络。你可以从这部片中看到家庭的期待与压力、穿插悲伤、幽默、怜悯及爱。 一位鲧夫希望和分很不满的千禧世代儿子恢复良好的互动,刚学会上网 的他于是在网络上假装成一位年轻女性...