粘土动画定格大作。以马克吐温与哈雷彗星的因缘为基点,讲述马克吐温与几位童鞋乘坐飞艇访问彗星的奇妙冒险。其中穿插了马克吐温若干作品的动画戏说:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Mysterious StrangerThe Damned Human RaceThe Diary of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)Captain Stormfield’s Visit to H...
To learn what the USA can learn from other nations, Michael Moore playfully "invades" them to see what they have to offer.
A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts, and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial Deventer murder case.
网剧【不及格】FLUNK 第一季,16岁的叛逆少女Stella桀骜不驯,她正在放肆的享受青春时光,ED努力兼顾着家庭和学校之间的生活。而Ingrid在不知不觉中发觉慢慢对自己的闺蜜Stella产生了不一样的感情。三位少年每个人都有不同的青春烦恼LGBT网剧FLUNK 不及格。
The Psi Corps and President Clark, whose government has discovered Shadow vessels buried in Earths solar system, begin to harness the vessels advanced technology. The Clark administration continues to become increasingly xenophobic and totalitarian, and uses a military incident as an excuse t...