In 1959, an alien experiment crashes to earth and infects a fraternity member. They freeze the body, but in the modern day, two geeks pledging a fraternity accidentally thaw the corpse, which proceeds to infect the campus with parasites that transform their hosts into killer zombies.
Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her estranged daughter and music producer, Lily. On his way to becoming a star, struggles from th...
伽罗华(阿雷胡·苏拉斯 Alejo Sauras 饰)、奥莉薇娅(伊莲娜·巴雷斯特罗斯 Elena Ballesteros 饰)、帕斯卡(桑提·米兰 Santi Millán 饰)和希尔伯特(路易斯·霍马 Lluís Homar 饰)分别是各自学术行业里的佼佼者,某一日,一封神秘的邀请函和一道诡异的谜题将四人聚集到了同一个房间之中。 然而,被困住的四人很快...
平凡的相貌,温吞水一样的性格,风平浪静的成长历程,宋(Navapol Lampoon 饰)就是这样一个从头到尾、从里到外都只能用“普通”来形容的男孩。然而,在内心里,宋一直保留着自己最初的梦想,尽管被禁锢、被束缚,但实现梦想的火焰从来就未曾熄灭过。
A carnal and intimate Film about a group of Berliners who are looking for new ways of Living, while playing with infamous Fantasies, Pain and Sexuality in a sunny and very experimental huge living room. Paola Calvo 导演在本片中用全新的手法展现了 BDSM 的世界,并携手舞蹈设计指导 Felix Ruckert ...
故事发生在一间名为“古鲁酷”的学院中,每一年,这所以校风严谨校规严厉而著称的学校都为社会输送了为数众多的精英人才,这是校长萨恩卡(阿米特巴·巴强 Amitabh Bachchan 饰)最引以为豪的所在,在他的意识中,正是严格得犹如军规的校规让校园中的年轻人们不至于走上了歧途。 然而,再严厉的校规又怎么能够锁住年轻...