A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but falls in love and eventually takes hol...
你遇到一个人,坠入爱河,一切美妙神奇...但对格茨,一个可爱的、混乱的唱片店店主而言,失心于美丽的Aylin并不是件容易的事。为了赢得这个东方女孩的感情,他将不得不先赢得一个庞大的家庭。 这不是一件容易的事,尤其是Aylin的爸爸,苏莱曼,动用他一切力量来结束他们之间的关系他想撮合医生Tarkan和他的女儿在一...
Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that ...
Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is actually a Nazi torture ship which has sailed the seas for years, luring unsuspecting sailors aboard and killing them off one by one. 91 Those...
一年前的连环杀人案,让埃本赛镇大学的毕业生马丁(Laurence Rupp 饰)、克莱门斯(Michael Steinocher 饰)和埃里克斯(Nadja Vogel 饰)等人接连死于非命。随着连环杀手哈斯太太的尸体被渔夫偶然发现,这起黑暗恐怖的案件似乎就此告一段落。侥幸活下来的妮娜(萨布丽娜·莱特 Sabrina Reiter 饰)如今在一家唱片店...