Te Ata (TAY' AH-TAH) is based on the inspiring, true story of Mary Thompson Fisher, a woman who traversed cultural barriers to bee one of the greatest Native American performers of all time. Born in Indian Territory, and raised on the songs and stories of her Chickasaw tribe, Te Ata's...
Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant?
比阿特丽斯是一个胡话连篇的人,自称是一个与世界各国的大咖有密切往来并有亿万财产的伯爵夫人。唐纳特拉是一个安静的纹有纹身的女人,禁锢在自己的神秘里无法自拔。她们都是精神病人,在精神病院里遭受软禁。 保罗维尔奇这部新片讲述了她们之间出乎意料的友谊,和在逃离精神病院的冒险过程中这两个疯子不断在这个露...
故事发生在1944年的秋天,芬兰士兵维伊克(威勒·哈派塞罗 Ville Haapasalo 饰)和苏军少尉伊万(克多·贝彻科夫 Viktor Bychkov 饰)都走到了各自人生的尽头。维伊克因为违反了军令而被锁在了一块巨大的岩石上,而伊万则因遭到诬陷而坐上了前往审判场的汽车。神秘女人安娜(安妮·克里斯汀娜·朱索 Anni-Kristiina Juus...