Al Percolo is a major league baseball scout sent to scout in Mexico as a punishment. However, he eventually stumbles across Steve Nebraska, a young American who can pitch AND hit better than anyone else can do either. He signs Steve and returns home in glory. It soon becomes obvious, though, ...
法蒂玛是个单亲妈妈,用打扫卫生的微薄薪水独自带着两个女儿生活在巴黎——15岁的苏阿德正值青春反抗期,18岁的娜斯蕾刚刚开始就读医学院。法蒂玛的法语很差,而生长在法国的女儿们又不和她说阿拉伯语,法蒂玛每天都在为和女儿的交流感觉力不从心。她既为她们感到骄傲又因为交流不够而不 禁担心。一天法蒂玛不小心从楼...
兩名導演Laurent Courtiand及Julien Carbon是編劇出身,劇本包括杜琪峰執導的港片《暗戰》。這是一部帶有恐怖色彩、然後還牽涉到跨國珠寶搶劫的電影,吳家麗飾演一名美貌與智慧並重的女人,但卻以殺人及吸毒來滿足自己。日本AV女優雨宮琴音似乎沒有脫衣服,據她自己表示,她飾演的角色是在電影一開始就被殺死的日本...
Raised in the U.S., Claudia (22) is an undocumented illegal immigrant living beyond her means in a twisted version of the American dream. When shes arrested by the FBI for credit card fraud, Claudia is quickly deported to Mexico. Speaking no Spanish and lost in her foreign "homeland," she rel...
After the Putins anti-gay law in Russia, Massimo, an Italian swimmer, goes to St. Petersburg for a competition. He meets there Vladimir, a Russian guy who works as interpreter in the Italian delegation. They like each other and fall in love, but unfortunatelly they will have to face the cultu...
When Warren Jeffs rose to Prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, he took control of a religion with a history of polygamous and underage marriage. In a short time, ...