THE LXD(The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers 非凡舞团)原本是Jon M.Chu导演在YouTube上举行的一场全民级的舞蹈选秀,意在选出最专精和最身怀绝技的舞者,随着参加者的爆炸式增长,LXD已然成为一种文化现象,它也成为了有史以来参与者最多的电..
Susi Q loves to travel. To dance. To get drunk. She loves women. She loves her best friend. She loves life! And now all that should suddenly change? Because she"s getting "too old"? Take responsibility - Settle down with someone - Live a normal life - Like everyone else? NotSusi Q loves to tr...
Nikolai Markin, a police captain, is sent on a mission into the taiga, in the colony. But to get to the place he was not fated: just a few kilometers away from the barbed wire he sees prisoners who escaped from behind bars. Without a moments hesitation, Markin is sent to the chase, having wit...
本片起用大量素人演员,故事剧情建构在片中演出者的真实人生上,但写实之外,导演更点入了许多神奇超现实的荒诞色彩,夜晚现身的俄罗斯蓝眼猫,缓缓升空的火箭,包含诸多暗示和寓意,搭配壮丽湖泊及美如人间天堂的村景,使得电影中处处充满诗意和平静,被喻为该年度威尼斯影展最大惊喜。 俄罗斯北部一座与世隔绝的岛...
2016 年,俄罗斯雇佣兵沙贝罗夫在叙利亚当排雷工兵,这本该是他职业生涯的顶峰,但他不久就爱上了一名俄叙混血女儿,并决定去沙漠古城拯救她……
When former LAPD officer Brett Anderson takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Bulgarias capital, Sofia, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Once he begins to delve deeper into the buildings sinister history and investigate its shad...