Hage, the Holy Spirit, is writing a musical, when Jesus returns to earth at Christmas to prepare the apocalypse. To prevent this, Hage tries to convince him that mankind is worth saving with the help of a beautiful striptease dancer.
NATO operative Jacques Kristoff is summoned into action, on his birthday, to track down Galina Konstantin, who has scampered off with an extremely valuable and dangerous top-secret cargo. Finding Galina doesnt take long, and Jacques must wrap up the mission by returning Galina and the contrab...
这是一部由六个“枕边故事”组合而成的剪影动画。夜幕下,老人、男孩和女孩三个人聚在一起,一个负责美工,一个设计服装,一个撰写剧情,一个个奇妙的故事就此诞生。 “狼人的故事”,讲述了月圆之夜会化身成狼的王子和两个公主之间的故事;“堤忠与无人知晓的美人”,讲述了堤忠无意进入死亡国度之后,历经种种冒险的故事...
A team of Finnish divers suffers a devastating loss when two of their friends dont make it back to the surface on a deep dive in an underwater cave in Norway. After unsuccessful attempts are made by international authorities to retrieve the bodies, the cave is closed off. The fallen colleague...