After the mayor of an idyllic island village discovers a child with mysterious powers awash on their shores, the once peaceful community devolves into civil war, torn over the belief that the child is the next saviour.
DEBUT is about Philip who dreams of becoming a model. At a casting he gets the chance to be photographed with the well-known model Sebastiaan, they fall in love. During the photo shoot, Philip pushes his limits more and more in order to keep the photographer's interest. Philip and Sebast...
A fast-paced comedy, Aatmapamphlet tells the twin story of a childhood love and that of momentous social change in 1990s India. Bold, moving, and insightful, this directorial debut places friendship over political factions and love above everything else.
故事发生在一座人迹罕至的边境小镇上。贾各布(法瑞斯·法瑞斯 Fares Fares 饰)、兰斯(Göran Ragnerstam 饰)、安吉塔(西西拉·凯尔 Sissela Kyle 饰)和汉肯(Erik Ahrnbom 饰)供职于镇上的警察局。这个小镇实在是太安全也太平静了,镇上已经有十几年没有发生过任何的违法事件了。 这一情况引起了国家中央警察总...
20世纪50年代,小男孩英格玛(Anton Glanzelius 饰)和体弱多病的妈妈(Anki Lidén 饰)、经常欺负自己的哥哥以及心爱的小狗,住在瑞典某个平静的小镇上。他的父亲离家而去,母亲又长年为疾病所困扰。两个小男孩根本不能融洽相处,经常在家里打得沸反盈天。 不堪其扰的母亲决定将他们分别送到亲戚家寄养。如小狗一...
Poker Face is a 10-episode “mystery-of-the-week” series following Natasha Lyonne’s Charlie, who has an extraordinary ability to determine when someone is lying. She hits the road with her Plymouth Barracuda and with every stop encounters a new cast of characters and strange crimes she can’t ...