当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。 她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟鞋,来到了西西里岛上宁静的阳光小镇。她的一举一动都引人瞩目、勾人遐想,她的一颦一笑都教男人心醉、女人羡妒...
这是一种政府制造的监视摄像机器,用于反恐,但它到底是保护人民,还是侵犯了我们? 现今社会,恐怖袭击日益增多。个人隐私已成为过去。现在无论是在家里、街上或者工作场所,人们的一举一动都受到电子摄像头的监控。但是这些摄像头真的只是在监控吗?随着死于非命人数的攀升,联邦调查局发现了一个令人震惊的事情……...
A Mexican-American couple expecting their first child relocate to a migrant farming community in 1970's California. When the wife begins to experience strange symptoms and terrifying visions, she tries to determine if it's related to a legendary curse o
It's the 1940's, in the dusty town of Torres Mochas, the feeling of exhilaration and anticipation spreads through the air. The arrival of the enigmatic American who is expected to marry the youngest of the 5 "Virgin Josefitas" is on everybody's mind.