While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before shes able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformati...
故事发生在1948年的古巴,一次偶然中,钢琴师奇可(伊南·奥纳 Enan Oña 配音)结识了名叫丽塔(丽玛瑞·蒙内塞斯 Limara Meneses 配音)的年轻女子,丽塔美妙的歌声吸引了奇可的注意,心心相惜的两颗心碰撞出了爱情的火花。 一番波折之后,奇可和丽塔总算走到了一起,志同道合的两人决定共同经...
Neal Brennan为Netflix录的单口现场,这场不能用丧来形容了,而是悲痛和沉重占了很大篇幅,三个麦克风简单明了,一个说短笑话,一句话逗笑你;一个说肺腑之言,主要是Neal糟糕的家庭和父子关系还有他身患抑郁症数十年的故事,孩童时压抑感情,长大了身患抑郁,到最后都无法跟父亲和解,虽然他一直很平静的讲述,但这...
A rich businessman makes a bet he can survive on the streets of a rough Los Angeles neighborhood for 30 days completely penniless. During his stay he discovers another side of life and falls in love with with a homeless woman.