Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after a toll of hardships, but instead falls into a dark journey and trail of events that are based on his real life unexplained mysterious death.
Inspired by the cataclysmic Nigerian events of 40 years ago, this epic political thriller portrays the point of views of a respected army captain and his expectant wife when his coerced participation in a botched coup attempt makes national headlines.
Every night of full Moon, men start disappearing, creating a panic. A trap is laid to catch the killer red handed.
夜深人静之时,年轻女子瑞切尔(Anessa Ramsey 饰)和艾莉莎(Hannah Bryan 饰)突然遭到神秘之人的袭击和绑架。当她们清醒过来后,发现自己正被绑在一座谷仓中,戴着面具的恐怖男子为她们举行邪气逼人的仪式。另一方面,受债务困扰的男人本(AJ Bowen 饰)联合女友艾米(卡瑟琳·兰道夫 Katherine Randolph ...